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Taking Parrots to Parties

Taking Parrots to Parties

Posted by Taking Parrots to parties, how to socialise Parrots, socialise your Parrot on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz has advice on taking Parrots to parties.Parrots and parties combine; you can do it if you have strong nerves, well-socialised Parrots and friends who aren’t bird-phobic. There are two ty … read more
Some Thoughts On Conservation And Why It Matters

Some Thoughts On Conservation And Why It Matters

Posted by Parrot conservation, the importance of Parrot conservation on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains why conservation is important.The global loss of species is even worse than previously thought. The London Zoological Society (ZSL) in its new Living Planet Index suggests popul … read more
Rosemary Low: Her Influence and Inspiration

Rosemary Low: Her Influence and Inspiration

Posted by Rosemary Low, Rosemary Low's Influence, Rosemary Low's Inspiration on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us about Rosemary Low.Rosemary LowRosemary Low’s main aims are ‘to widely publish information which will lead to a better standard of care for captive birds and to promote and assi … read more
Greys Are Fun

Greys Are Fun

Posted by Greys, African Greys, African Grey Parrot on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us why African Greys are fun.I take Artha and Casper for an outing wearing their harnesses shopping or to the park. I’m often asked, ‘How do they get to be so well behaved?’ Here are … read more
From Weaning To Growing Up

From Weaning To Growing Up

Posted by Weaning, Baby Parrots, Chicks on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about weaning your Parrot.Weaning I ended my last blog with the words: The chick is now fully feathered and staggering towards you for what is probably his only formula feed … read more