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The True Value Of Birds

The True Value Of Birds

Posted by what birds are worth, birds environmental value, birds economic value on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz discusses the true value of birds. If you are reading my blog, I’d guess that the survival of bird species (especially Parrots) is important to you and you believe that’s it is right to … read more
An Old Parrot Part 2

An Old Parrot Part 2

Posted by Old Parrots, Parrot Behaviour, Caring for an old Parrot on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about Amazon Parrot Tiko.To read part 1 of an old Parrot click here. JoannaThe graphic details of Tiko’s wooing of Joanna are not for the squeamish reader.After five years li … read more
An Advanced Parrot Training Workshop in Holland

An Advanced Parrot Training Workshop in Holland

Posted by Parrot Workshop, Parrot Advice, Parrot Training and Behaviour on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz talks about a workshop she went to. Read more about training Parrots here. I don’t take summer holidays but go on training workshops instead. I’ve just completed a three day, hands on … read more
All The Essentials You Need For A New Parrot

All The Essentials You Need For A New Parrot

Posted by New Parrot Ownership, New Parrot Tips, Feather Plucking, New Parrot Bonding on 25/1/2024

Liz Wilson has guidelines for new Parrot owners.New Parrot owners often complain that there is no owner’s manual that comes with a Parrot, whether baby or adult. However, there is some basic informati … read more
Pet Sitter Prep

Pet Sitter Prep

Posted by Pet Sitter Advice, Parrot sitter, Parrot boarding on 25/1/2024

Lafeber have useful pet sitter prep. There will probably be a time in your bird’s life when he needs temporary care in your absence. We hope that’s because you plan a wonderful vacation, or have an … read more