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How To Address Fear In Parrots

How To Address Fear In Parrots

Posted by Fear in Parrots, scared Parrots on 26/1/2024

Here is how to address fear in Parrots.ExampleHave you ever been really scared? Perhaps it was a moment when you did not have control. For example as a passenger on a turbulent plane ride, or you real … read more
Labels And Why They Aren't Useful: Some Thoughts On Training

Labels And Why They Aren't Useful: Some Thoughts On Training

Posted by Parrot Training, Parrot Behaviour, Parrot Learning, Parrot Reactions on 26/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us why labels aren't useful in Parrot training.Here are couple of maxims about labels from two famous trainers.Steve Martin: ‘If you want to be a better trainer, leave out the word ‘ … read more
Raising Criteria Correctly

Raising Criteria Correctly

Posted by Raising Criteria, Retrieve Techniques, Parrot training on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains about raising criteria correctly.This summer I was very actively training a lot of birds every single day in preparation for a new free flight bird show. While this may … read more
Normal Vocalisations For Parrots

Normal Vocalisations For Parrots

Posted by Normal Vocalisations, Parrots talking, talking Parrots on 26/1/2024

Lafeber tells us about normal vocalisations for Parrots.There’s no such thing as a quiet bird. Some are quieter than others, usually because of size — the bigger the bird, the louder the volume. Howev … read more
How To Stop Your Parrot From Biting - PART 2

How To Stop Your Parrot From Biting - PART 2

Posted by stop your Parrot from biting, Parrot bites, biting Parrot on 26/1/2024

Here's how to stop your Parrot from biting.Please click to read PART 1 first as you will find this article much more helpful. If you are following this after PART 1, welcome back!For more advice on tr … read more