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Parrot Excitement That Turns To Aggression

Parrot Excitement That Turns To Aggression

Posted by Parrot training, bird training on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains what happens when Parrot excitement turns to aggression.MacawsAt a recent Parrot training seminar I was fortunate to work with two amazing Macaws. One was a Buffon’s Macaw … read more
Oops I Scared My Parrot

Oops I Scared My Parrot

Posted by Scared Parrots, Parrot fear, fear in Parrots on 26/1/2024

Here's what to do if you have scared your Parrot recently.I made a boo boo today. Delbert my Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot is flighted. He loves to get up to top speed first thing in the AM and cruise ar … read more
Preventing The One Person Bird

Preventing The One Person Bird

Posted by One Person Bird on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to prevent a one person bird.There was a recent discussion on my yahoo group about innate vs. learned behaviours. It seems the two are not so mutually exclusive. The … read more
Northern Parrots Trick Training Academy with Sara Houston

Northern Parrots Trick Training Academy with Sara Houston

Posted by Trick training, Parrot training, bird training on 26/1/2024

Sara tells us more about the trick training academy.IntroductionHow many times have you seen videos of Parrots doing tricks and wished you could give it a go yourself? Maybe you wanted to but were put … read more
Making New Things Fun For Your Parrot

Making New Things Fun For Your Parrot

Posted by New things, new Parrot toys, introducing new things to Parrots on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to make new things fun for your Parrot.My Parrots just blow me away sometimes. Or perhaps it is better to say that training with positive reinforcement blows me away. … read more