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Help My Parrot Is Noisy

Help My Parrot Is Noisy

Posted by Noisy Parrots, Parrots talking, birds talking on 6/6/2023

“Help, my Parrot is noisy!”Elaine Henley P.G. Dip CABCFull Member Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) Animal Behaviour Training Council (ABTC) Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist … read more
Stress Triggers and How To Deal With Them in Parrots

Stress Triggers and How To Deal With Them in Parrots

Posted by Stress Triggers in Parrots, Parrot Stress, Parrot Behaviour on 20/9/2019

Here is how to deal with stress triggers in Parrots.In recent years, there has been a growing awareness among both veterinary professionals and Parrot caregivers that Parrots may become stressed and t … read more