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Say goodbye to the days of basic Parrot seed mixes filled with just sunflower seeds and peanuts with the occasional hint of chilli. We've stepped up our game! Thanks to extensive research, we're bringing you cleaner, tastier and healthier seed mixes for your feathered friend. 

Our Premium Parrot seed mixes aren't just for the birds – they boast ingredients so good, they're human-grade! We're talking about enhanced fruit and nut content, plus essential vitamin and mineral enrichment to keep your Parrot in tip-top shape. Don't forget to mix things up with fresh fruits, veggies, sprouting seeds and pulses to keep your bird's diet exciting and well-rounded. 

We've got a variety of top-notch options from trusted brands like Johnston and Jeff, Hagen and Vitakraft.


Read our blog post on safe seeds for Parrots for more information or watch our Parrot seeds video.