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Keep your Small Conure's diet healthy and exciting with our tempting Small Conure Food options. Complete foods are a must-have, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in multiple colours, shapes and flavours whilst minimising waste and making cleanup a breeze. For serving our yummy foods, choose from our stainless steel and plastic feeding dishes for adult birds and Jelly Cup Holders for those who love this tasty treat.

Treat your Small Conure to a delightful variety of treats in vibrant colours, flavours, and shapes, offering both enjoyment and surprising health benefits, including fruits, nuts, and more. Our seed mixes, enriched with fruits, nuts, vitamins, minerals, and vegetables, cater to diverse preferences, with options for high or low sunflower content and pellet support, often recommended by veterinarians.

For breeding and hand-feeding, our specialised food ensures optimal care for Parrot parents and chicks, promoting fitness and health whilst raising offspring.
Popular brands with Small Conures include TOP's, Lafeber NutriBerries and Parrot Premium Professional mixes. 

For more inspiration and advice, check out our Feeding Guides