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  • rio ara parrot cage

    Rio Ara Dome Top Parrot Cage

    • A large cage with useful features like lock and feeders
    • Has a secure lock
    • Sits on castors so easy to move
    • Suitable for Cockatoo and Lg Macaw
  • parrot double cage antique

    Double Parrot Cage - Antique

    • House two or more Parrots in this cage
    • Has a large front door, perch and more
    • Sits on castors so easy to move
    • Suitable for Cockatoo and Lg Macaw
    • Standard Delivery Only (Monday - Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

There are so many different styles of cages available, each with standard features to keep your Large Macaw happy and entertained whilst inside their cage.


Although all of these cages are spacious, please get the biggest one you can afford for your Parrot, especially because Large Macaws like Blue and Gold and Military Macaws, are one of the largest Parrot species. We have cages from the biggest manufacturers in the industry.


Every Large Macaw Cage has swing out feeders that enable you to quickly top up your Parrot’s fresh food and water. Seed catchers collect a lot of the mess your bird may drop and help to reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning the floor of the cage.


When you do clean, the large doors give you instant access to the interior of the cage and the wheels allow you to move the cage out of the way until you've finished cleaning.


Finally the perches fitted inside the cage make a comfortable resting place for your Large Macaw.


The main cage that your Large Macaw will call home can be either a solid top design, open top design or a play top design.


Play top cages have an area at the top of the cage where you can place extra refreshments or toys for your Parrot to play with. If your Large Macaw is playing with toys on the play top area, please supervise them as they do so. A large proportion of cages allow you to remove the play top section and place it in a new area.


Open top cages have a section that opens out at the top of the cage, to give your Macaw more room to play and you better access to the cage.


Solid top cages don’t have additional outside cages for your Large Macaw, perhaps the beautiful Scarlet Macaw, to play. The roofs of these cages are either dome shaped or flat, so choose the design that fits your Parrot best. The roof doesn’t open; the only entrance and exit your bird has from this style of cage are the wide front doors.


Choose from the widest range of cages for Large Macaws right here.