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How Aviator Harnesses Are Made

How Aviator Harnesses Are Made

Posted by How Aviator Harnesses Are Made on 26/1/2024

Here is how Aviator harnesses are made.We’re sure many of you already enjoy spending time out and about with your Parrot in their harness, enjoying the great outdoors and the opportunity to spend even … read more
Teaching Parrots to Talk

Teaching Parrots to Talk

Posted by Teaching Parrots to talk, training Parrots to talk, Parrot training on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains how to teach Parrots to talk.Talking ability is dependent on two main factors; natural aptitude and a stimulating environment with sympathetic people. (Rosemary Low)My Greys use … read more
Teach Your Parrot With Clicker Training by Sara Houston

Teach Your Parrot With Clicker Training by Sara Houston

Posted by Parrot clicker training, Parrot training, how to train your Parrot on 25/1/2024

Using a clickerTo click or not to click, that is the question.One of the most common questions is “do I need a clicker to teach tricks?”. The simple answer is no, you don’t. If the idea of using a cli … read more
Teach Your Parrot To Wave by Sara Houston

Teach Your Parrot To Wave by Sara Houston

Posted by Teach your Parrot how to wave, train your Parrot to wave, Parrot training, Parrot tricks on 25/1/2024

Here is how to teach your Parrot to wave. TrickWave was the first trick Sara ever taught Scout. It felt like it took forever for her to get it right (mainly because it was her and Scout’s first tri … read more