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Parrot Training In New Environments

Parrot Training In New Environments

Posted by New environments, Parrot training, bird training on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to train your Parrot in new environments.If you are a Parrot training fan, you have probably already trained your bird to do a few cute things like maybe wave or turn … read more
Is Animal Training Really All About Relationships

Is Animal Training Really All About Relationships

Posted by Relationships, bonding with your Parrot, Parrot training on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich reveals if animal training really is about relationships.I often hear trainers say animal training is all about “relationships.” I must admit I often say the reason I got into anim … read more
Respecting The Bite | Why Parrots Bite And How To Stop It

Respecting The Bite | Why Parrots Bite And How To Stop It

Posted by Parrot Biting, How to Stop Parrot Biting on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains more about Parrots biting and respecting the bite.I am a wuss. I admit it. Oddly enough I think it has worked in my favour when it comes to working with animals. I don’t … read more
Introducing Parrots To New People

Introducing Parrots To New People

Posted by Parrot to new people, Parrot training, Parrots on 26/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to introduce your Parrot to new people.Baby ParrotsIt was another big day for the baby Parrots. I packed two familiar perches, toys, treats, my dog and the babies into … read more