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Feather Destructive Behaviour Part Two

Feather Destructive Behaviour Part Two

Posted by Feather Destructive Behaviour, what is FDB, Parrot is hurting itself, Parrot pulling feathers out on 9/1/2024

In my first blog on feather destructive-plucking behaviour (FDB), I discussed the risk factors for Parrots developing this unwelcomed behaviour.Behavioural ProblemsIn this blog I will discuss simple s … read more
How To Stop Your Parrot Feeling Scared And Manage Fear

How To Stop Your Parrot Feeling Scared And Manage Fear

Posted by Parrot Fear, Scared Parrots, Managing Parrot Fear, Parrot Behaviour on 9/1/2024

Here is how to stop your Parrot from feeling scared.In my last blog “Fear: normal or abnormal?” I wrote that being fearful is a natural and biological state, as it keeps one safe, so it is normal to f … read more
How Parrots Communicate In The Wild

How Parrots Communicate In The Wild

Posted by Wild Parrots, Parrot Communication, How Parrots Communicate on 9/1/2024

Elaine Henley explains how Parrots communicate in the wild and with each other.Elaine Henley P.G. Dip CABCFull Member Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)Animal Behaviour Training Council ( … read more
How To Set Up A Parrot Cage

How To Set Up A Parrot Cage

Posted by Set Up a Parrot Cage, Parrot Cages, Parrot Cage Guide, New Parrot Cage on 9/1/2024

Here is how to set up a Parrot cage.Introducing a new cage and the importance of the cage set-up In a previous blog, “Parrots and Cages?” I discussed how a Parrot may view his cage and how their opini … read more
Managing Fear in Parrots

Managing Fear in Parrots

Posted by Parrot Fear, Scared Parrots, Parrot Behaviour, Parrot Care, Understanding Parrot Fear on 21/12/2023

Elaine Henley explains more about managing fear in Parrots.Many Parrots’ caregivers report that their Parrots behave in a frightened or fearful manner when presented with novel objects or situations. … read more