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Jo's Busy Beak Gets Her Into Trouble

Jo's Busy Beak Gets Her Into Trouble

Posted by Busy beak, Vets, Cockatoo, Galah on 26/1/2024

Here's how Jo the Galah's busy beak got her into trouble, written by the team at Avian Veterinary Services.Back storyWhen she was presented to the clinic one night in her carrier, with her head tucked … read more
Reflections About Free Flight: Bennis Progress and Mine

Reflections About Free Flight: Bennis Progress and Mine

Posted by Free Flight, flying Parrots, Parrot flight on 26/1/2024

Dot Schwarz reflects on Benni’s time with free flight. Benni completed 12 months as a free flight bird and had flown his 500th session in mid March. By July 2016, he‘d flown 565 sessions out of door … read more
Recycling Older Birds

Recycling Older Birds

Posted by Older Birds, Old Parrots, on 26/1/2024

Liz Wilson tells us about recycling older birds. I admit that it still surprises me when people insist that they have to purchase a “baby” Parrot so the bird will properly “bond” to them. Worse yet … read more
Noisy Parrots

Noisy Parrots

Posted by Noisy Parrots, Parrots talking, birds talking on 26/1/2024

Dot Schwarz discusses noisy Parrots.A man entered a pet shop and asked: ‘I’m looking for a pet Parrot. Have you got a quiet one? The salesman shook his head. ‘The toy shop is three doors down, Sir.’ I … read more